MURIC decries Osun appointments, accuses Adeleke of ‘secretly’ working for CAN

Written by on July 10, 2023

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has decried Governor Ademola Adeleke’s list of his commissioners, which contains seven Muslims and 17 Christians in Osun state.


In a statement on Monday, MURIC Executive Director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, accused Governor Adeleke of religious partisanship, saying he has issued a licence to oppress Muslims.


The statement partly reads, “We condemn this wanton blockage of privileges that should go to Muslims and their diversion to over-pampered and over-fed Christians in Osun State.


By deceiving Muslims in the state and engaging in spiritual hide and seek, Governor Adeleke has exhibited qualities odoriferously short in honour and dignity but egregiously long in infamy and bohemianism.


“The goal of Adeleke’s deception is for the perpetuation of the marginalization, shortchanging and oppression of Muslims in Osun State. Adeleke is a secret agent of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN).


“But it is for a while. Time will tell. Governor ‘James Bond’ and the few selfish Muslims whom he is using will soon see that honesty and openness are what makes enduring leadership,” he said.

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